From now through June 30, 2029, we will intentionally promote and encourage vocations to the priesthood and religious life in the Holy Catholic Church.
The number of priests and religious have been declining for the past several years. In order to continue to celebrate and receive Jesus in the Eucharist and understand that this food strengthens our faith and our resolve, we need vocations to the priesthood.
During Advent and Lent of 2024-2025, St. Patrick Parish will hold bible studies/book studies/faith sharing in small groups.
A key component of evangelization is building a Christ-centered, trusting community. Helping parishioners become more comfortable talking about their faith builds that culture of trust Also, studying the life of Jesus is key to deepening our faith. We must personally embrace the Gospel in order to transform our lives (Archdiocese of Dubuque Framework for Adult Evangelization and Formation) and that can, in part, be done through bible and book
studies and faith sharing groups.
St. Patrick will host an event every month in an effort to strengthen relationships and intentionally create a culture of evangelization.
A key component of evangelization is building a Christ-centered, trusting community. Gathering as a parish and local community, interacting and bonding, creating enthusiasm for being together, and creating conditions to talk about our faith helps build that trusting community. It lays the groundwork for future.